First time using Lyft? Important things you need to know

Lyft iPhone app

Uber may be the king of ridesharing services, but Lyft is not far behind. As with Uber, Lyft gives me the ability to request, track, and pay for a ride at the tip of my fingers. It’s such a simple yet brilliant idea that millions are now using. But with any new technology comes pros and cons. You hear stories on the news and from friends and family. Some swear by the service while others avoid it at all costs. …

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First time riding Uber? Important things you need to know

Uber iPhone app

For the most part, Uber is amazing. The ability to request, track, and pay for a taxi at the tip of your fingers is a simple yet brilliant idea. With any new technology comes pros and cons. Lately, in the news and online, there have been reports about issues with Uber drivers and passengers. How do you know what is true and what isn’t? Is Uber safe for you to ride? If you are deciding to ride Uber for the first …

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